
Jun 19, 2012

What I've been up to

So, so, so sorry I've been MIA! Has it really been three weeks since my last post? Eek! I hope you can all forgive me. Life has gotten a little busy lately. Want to see what I've been up to?

Well, when we last left off, I was headed for a camping trip over Memorial Day weekend. The weather was lovely and we had a ton of fun!

Our campsite...

We did some hiking and some kayaking with great friends. It was so fun and relaxing! I love being outside.

The next weekend, we went to my college five-year reunion. I was worried it would be awkward, but it was a blast! I got to hang out with my two college roommates and other great friends. It was almost like old times -- except I realized I'm too old to stay up dancing the night away. :)

The weather was pretty terrible -- it was rainy and overcast all weekend -- but I still liked walking around campus. Maybe I'm biased, but isn't it pretty?

And here's the big reason I haven't been around much:

Meet Colby, the newest member of the Heart Maine Home family! He's named after my alma mater pictured above -- that's why he's got a leash with his name on it. We bought the leash at the campus bookstore at reunion weekend before we even got him, since we were planning on getting a dog later this summer. But we found this little guy at and just fell in love with him, so we had to bring him home. He's a rescue pup who was born a stray, so we're happy to give him a nice home.

He's a boxer/hound/who-knows-what mix and is four months old. He's super duper lovable -- he loves to sit on your lap and cuddle with just about anyone who will let him. And he's really mellow and easygoing too, and loves to be outside. He's just a sweet, happy, lovable little guy!

We took this photo on the hubs' and my two-year anniversary. It only took 20 8 tries to get Colby looking at the camera and not licking our faces.

So, we've been busy playing with him, training him and just all around spending time with him. I knew having a puppy would be a lot of work, but phew, does he keep me running around! I haven't touched a craft project in three weeks! I'm definitely missing it, and hope to get back to it really soon, once I know I can trust this little guy to hang out in the house without chewing on the furniture or having an accident. :) For now, I feel like I have to keep a steady eye on him.

What have you all been up to? I'm so sorry for checking out for a bit! Hope you all understand and can't wait to see what you've been working on. :)


  1. oooooh my goodness Colby is SO CUTE!! Congratulations on the newest member of your family...I wish we lived closer so we could have a playdate with Buckley and Colby! :) Have so much FUN with him - doesn't having a dog make you feel like so much more of a "real family"?! :)


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