
Jan 24, 2012

A colorful corkboard {DIY}

Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great week so far!

Over the weekend I finaaaally wrapped up a project I started a couple months ago. Remember in October I showed you this corkboard/bulletin board I bought at the ReStore?

It definitely needed a rehab. So, I sanded, primed and painted the frame in a satin white I had on hand -- it was actually exterior paint I bought to paint our windowboxes for our shed. It took a few coats to cover the black.

There was no way to get the frame off the corkboard, so I actually put painters tape around the board to minimize the amount of paint I got on the corkboard, even though I knew I'd be covering it (I just didn't want the paint to leave the corkboard all stiff).

I found this adorable fabric at Joann a while back that I absolutely loved, but I wasn't sure what I'd do with it. Perfect for my board! To cover the corkboard, I thought maybe I could tuck the fabric under the edges of the frame, but that was a no-go -- there just wasn't enough space. I knew trying to cut the fabric to fit exactly wouldn't look 100% and the ends would likely fray, so instead I cut it a little smaller than the corkboard and adhered it using some spray adhesive.

My high-tech method for keeping the frame from getting all sticky from the adhesive? A piece of cardboard :)

But what to do about those ugly edges?

Ribbon to the rescue! I used hot glue to stick the ribbon along the edges of the fabric.

Isn't it so cute and happy? I just love this little sucker!

It's holding a few of my Christmas cards, since they were still out and handy (I know, I know, it's been like a month!).

I ran two ribbons down the middle as a place to clip messages and other things instead of pinning them.

I had these little clothespins hanging around from a wedding project I never got around to. I may paint them when the weather is conducive to spraypainting.

I haven't hung it in the office yet, but I think it'll go above the desk for easy access. Here's what it looks like against the gray walls in the office. It really picks up the gray in the fabric -- eeee, I love it and can't wait to hang it!

I'm sure there are lots of fun bulletin boards out there, but my project was inspired by Thrifty Decor Chick's DIY memo board.

The board was $10, the fabric about $5 with a coupon, and the two spools of ribbon were on sale for $3 total -- the rest I had on hand. I love that it only takes a few bucks and some elbow grease to turn a ho-hum office supply into something that's colorful and customized AND useful.

I'm linking up!


The Shabby Nest

Somewhat Simple

The DIY Show Off

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!




  1. I absolutely love it. So pretty and functional!

  2. Wow, that looks so much better than a plain old cork board. I just love the pop of color. I am pinning this.
    I am a new Twitter follower visiting from Reasons to Skip the Housework. Vicky from Mess For Less

  3. This turned out beautiful. I love the fabric you picked to cover it and the ribbon detail too! I'm featuring tomorrow on my Featured Finds Friday :-)

    Take care,

  4. Well done! Love the mix of colors and fabric. Thanks for your kind words about my fake capiz shell lamp.

  5. Cute! The fabric and color combo are adorable. Visiting from Tatertots and Jello

  6. This turned out so great! I came over from the A to Z link party. Definitely saving this for later!

    PS: I bought those adorable christmas cards from Target on super sale after the holidays! Can't wait to use them in December! lol.

    Pop on over and say hello if you'd like.
    xo Megan

  7. I featured your cork board at my wait a wee Meenit Wednesday party! Come grab a button

  8. I love that fabric! I actually made a bench cushion from it- brightens up the room :) You should totally enter this project into Craftbaby's DIY a Corkboard Challenge! :)



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