
Sep 15, 2011

Pillows in a few fall colors

I spotted these pillows at Target the other day, and it was love at first sight. 


I had a feeling the man of the house wouldn't be a fan. I gotta admit, we don't do a lot of floral around here, and they aren't my usual style (and I knew they wouldn't be his). I texted him a photo: "Do you hate this?" 

I waited. There were only two pillows left. I gave him about two 10 minutes, and when I hadn't heard back, I snatched them up. I could always return them if he vetoed them, I reasoned.

After I bought them, I got his response: "Um...yes?" (I like how he qualified it with a question mark so as to lessen the blow!).

But once I put them on the couch, he had to agree that they worked really well with all the colors in our living room, and he conceded. Yay! I knew he was a keeper :)

I mean, how great do they look? 

With the greens and blues, they match perfectly with our living room decor. Though you could use these all year-round, the oranges and reds say fall to me, in a subtle, understated way. Plus, they also tie in with the orange in my bird canvas. 

And they just happen to match the faux silk green and blue pillows I bought earlier this year (also at Target...can you tell I live there?), which I switched out for those summery ones I made. There's nothing better than repurposing what you already have!

They match, I swear. I'm bad at shooting in front of these windows!

I love the texture of the Jacquard weave. 

And they're poofy and comfy to lay on too. I have to admit, I hate how down pillows get so smooshed. We love to lounge on our couch, so pillows with some substance are a must.

And bonus points for such a super-fun name!

I did a little Googling and found out it's the name of a Swavelle/Mill Creek fabric. If you're as in love with it as I am, you can buy the fabric online.

I couldn't find these pillows on Target's website, but they also have brown ones that are just as lovely, in Ohh la la brown (of course). I snapped a pic of those with my phone.

I love how for just $40 you can change the feel of a whole room. The pillows' warm fall colors are really making me happy! (The hubs asked why I had to buy more pillows, and I said, "they're fall pillows." He said, "We have pillows for every season? We're so fancy!" Hilarious.)

Here's to fall -- and understanding husbands!

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