
Sep 26, 2011

Apple picking {Maine Monday 6}

Happy Monday, all! I hope you had a great weekend like we did :)

It's the last Monday of the month, which means it's time for this month's Maine Monday! This time, I'm featuring that quintessential fall activity


Few seasonal activities top apple picking, I think: the crisp air, the happy little trees, the smell of fruit ripening in the sun and warm pastries out of the oven. We go to a couple different places around where we live, and we always make sure to head out early, because they usually get packed by 10 a.m. on a gorgeous fall day.

I'll pick any kind of apple, but my favorite are macs -- I love a tart, crunchy apple. I could eat them forever! Cortlands and empires are also yummy. Usually we pick a bunch of whatever is ready that day.

I just love walking through the orchards, enjoying the sun, the cool breeze and the hunt for the perfect apple. I usually find one I want that's way up high -- luckily the hubs is tall!

I also love pulling around that little cart...makes me feel like a kid again.

Oh, and of course -- the second best (or is it the best?) thing about going to the orchard are the treats -- the cider donuts, the mulled apple cider, the apple dumplings with caramel and ice cream. No photos of these, because I gobble them up!

I like to buy a few gourds too, for fall decorating. I've been working on some of that this weekend, but nothing is ready to show yet. Hopefully soon -- stay tuned!

And there are hay rides too. We don't usually partake, but maybe when we have kids...

We've been once this year already, but I can't wait to go again. But we have to eat all the apples we picked before we get more.

We usually make at least one apple pie with our bounty, and we've made applesauce before too. This year, we tried making an apple tarte tatin -- a French pastry where carmelized sugar is poured into a pie dish, topped with apples and then a pie crust. When it comes out of the oven, you flip it over. It won't win any beauty awards, but it sure was tasty!

Don't mind the wine cork in the background... :)

Do you go apple picking in the fall? What do you like to make with them?

Have a great Monday!

Check out past Maine Mondays here.

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