
Jul 6, 2011

Festive strawberries for the Fourth

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I hope your short work week is going by quickly.

So, I spotted these Fourth of July strawberries in the blogosphere, and I just had to make them -- even though by the time I saw them, it was too late to make them for the Fourth.

Coley of What You Make It featured these adorable strawberries last week, and I found them through At the Picket Fence, which posted a link to Coley's blog on their Facebook page (phew! Catch all that?). Luckily, I had everything I needed on hand -- leftover strawberries from my jam- and pie-making adventures, white chocolate chips and blue sprinkles.

I started by giving the strawberries a nice washing and drying...

I mixed white chocolate chips with a little shortening, after seeing a recipe for fruit dip on the chip bag. Then, I gave my strawberries a little dunk and swirl...

And then dipped them in some sugar, using the shot glass method that Coley describes (and yes, those are pink sprinkles...I ran out of blue so I had to switch!). And yep, that shot glass came home with us from our Quebec anniversary trip.

Then, I laid them all out to cool on some wax paper.

Aren't they adorable? Coley is right...if you don't find them cute, there's something wrong with you!

They came into the office with me today. Hopefully my coworkers won't mind eating Fourth of July strawberries two days late -- or that half of them are actually pink. The pink ones actually made me think of how cute these would be for a baby shower. And green sprinkles at Christmas would be perfect!

Thanks to Coley for sharing her idea and giving me something easy and fun to do with all my extra strawberries. :)


  1. Mindy, they look great! I'm so glad I was able to share this fun idea with you :) Hope you join us more often!

    Coley at

  2. Nice work! I have been wanting to make these dipped strawberries for ages...they look so good!

  3. These little berries are very cute. Andi a Maine Blogger about food. My pasion is cookies come check it out, maybe help you with your cooking/baking Nice post


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