
Jul 18, 2011

Easy s'mores on the grill

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!

I have to confess, I love me some s'mores. There's just something about that magical combination of warm graham cracker, melted chocolate and that gooey marshmallow that totally rocks my socks. I'm like a total kid when we go camping, because I always stuff myself full of s'mores before bed, then complain of an upset stomach!

We bought ourselves a fire pit that I'm ashamed to admit we haven't used (but we did have a bonfire on Memorial Day that was perfect for s'mores-making). And though I really adore sitting in front of a fire, sometimes, it's just a little too much work to set up the fire pit, get the wood, get a fire going and tend to it. And it was super-hot this weekend here in Maine, which makes sitting around a fire not super appealing.

But I had a major craving for some s'mores this weekend, so I decided to improvise. One time when we were camping with my family, my dad suggested making s'mores in aluminum foil over the fire. But the flames were hard to control, leaving us with some scorched graham crackers (not yummy). Since a grill's flame is smaller and easier to control, I thought it'd give me better results.

So, here's how you make super-easy s'mores on the grill.

(FYI: This is not and will never be a cooking blog, so don't get too excited. I'm not much of a cook -- thank God the hubs is!)

Start with your s'mores ingredients -- marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers (or whatever else you like to put on s'mores).

Tear off a small-ish piece of aluminum foil, about five or six inches long by however wide the foil comes off the roll, and arrange your s'more on it. Have fun attempting to balance a graham cracker on an uncooked marshmallow -- you might have to smush it a little to get it to behave.

Wrap the foil around the s'more and fold the edges down a couple times. Then, fold the other ends in to make a little packet. It doesn't have to look good, people!

Then, place the packet on your already-warmed-up grill. I kept mine on low, which seemed to work well.

Here's a hint: When you put the packet on the grill, put the chocolate side UP, as in, further away from the grate. I found that the marshmallow and chocolate heated more evenly this way -- otherwise, the chocolate gets too melty before the marshmallow is heated through.

Let your s'more cook for about five minutes. If you want it really gooey, pull it off the flame but leave it in the warm grill for another minute or two.

Remove from the grill and open carefully (no burnt fingers!).

Warning: This is messy, messier than a regular s'more. Don't be embarrassed to lick the chocolate off your fingers.

You won't get the yummy toasted flavor of a campfire s'more, but it'll satisfy your graham cracker-chocolate-marshmallow craving in a pinch!

On another note, Christina over at Christina's Adventures has again featured one of my projects -- my birch arbor and mason jar lanterns! Thank you so much, Christina! And welcome to any readers hopping over from Christina's blog. Stop by and see the other fantastic projects she featured yesterday -- and also her fabulous yellow and gray bathroom!

I've got like a zillion projects I'm hoping to work on soon...I feel like I haven't done much in the way of crafting lately. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned!

Linking up!

Reasons to Skip the Housework Tuesday Time Out

Home Stories A to Z's Tutorials and Tips Tuesday

33 Shades of Green's Tasty Tuesdays


  1. mmm I LOVE smores...I may have to try this!! And you're so cute about the "shout out"...I loved your project!! :)

  2. Oooh, I never thought to make 'em like this! I'm on vacation next week and will most definitely be making s'more on the grill! :)

  3. I have never tried them on the grill..looks so easy!


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