
May 16, 2011

Weekend finds

It's Monday again, people. Crazy how it comes around every week! If you had trouble reading or commenting at the end of last week, it's because Blogger was down, and my most recent post was temporarily taken down (along with everyone else's). While it's back up now, all the comments are But thanks for all your kind words on our wedding photo display! I will feel no shame, now, in staring at myself...  :)

I spent the soggy weekend on a girls' getaway with two of my very best friends. We ate lots of great food, watched girlie movies and did lots of talking and laughing -- a truly perfect girls' weekend! We also did a little shopping around Kennebunkport, a coastal southern Maine town popular with tourists. Many of the stores are, how do you say, priced for the tourists (okay, way out of our price range), but I did find a couple affordable things I couldn't pass up.

These zinc letters were $6 each at a store called Abacus Gallery, and are the hubs' and my first initials. Anthropologie sells some larger zinc letters for $18 a piece, so I'm happy with my find. (I like my font better!)

I spent $12 on this old-looking wire basket at a store called Beach Grass. I don't know if it's actually old (or French, as the label suggested), but I'm still digging it.

What am I going to do with these? I'm not 100% sure yet, but I'm planning to redo all my spring decorating very soon with some summery vignettes, and I think they'll both find a place. Maybe some summer decorating will end this rain and bring us some sun!

UPDATE: Sorry if you received the wedding photo display post twice in your reader. The Blogger trouble corrupted my labels, and when I tried to fix it, it re-published the post with a date-stamp of today instead of the day it originally went live. My apologies!

1 comment:

Thank you for your comments! I read and appreciate each and every one.