
Mar 25, 2011

Shades of gray

Remember a couple weeks ago when I talked about our office overhaul? Well, I've finally gotten around to slapping that gray paint sample on the wall!

But first, I put a bunch of samples up and picked my favorites. All colors by Behr.

I liked Natural Gray the best (third from the top), so I got a sample of it. This room doesn't get great natural light, at least not in the winter, so I apologize for the poor lighting -- it really was sunny out!

What do you think? I'm a little worried it's too dark (so is the hubs). It's darker than anything we've picked for the house so far, so maybe we're just a little nervous about going outside our comfort zone.

Here are a couple other colors we're considering. The left swatch is Natural Gray. We're thinking the little one on the right is a little too blue, while the one on the bottom is a little too beige. 

Sooo...not sure if we've picked anything yet. I think we'll give the Natural Gray a couple days and see if we warm up to it. I feel like I've pulled every gray swatch Behr has, which makes me really want to like this color. Why can't they all come as easy as the kitchen color? As soon as we saw it, we knew it was "the one." Sadly, it's not always that easy...

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I'll be working still on this entryway revamp. We're getting close...I'm getting excited! I bet you're just dying with anticipation. Am I right?? :)


  1. try something new. I am loving the gray!
    Can't wait to see how it turns out!


  2. Thanks, Kendra! I just popped into your blog -- I love the bureau and the white mirror you added to your bedroom!

  3. I like the natural gray. You could always paint the walls with a base dove gray and do a 12 inch border of the natural gray to tone down the blue. It would help brighten the room and make it look bigger. I'm toying with changing my bedroom color from cream to a deep green called "Palmetto". I saw the color in Better Homes & Gardens and fell in love with it.

  4. Did you ever decide on a color? We're right in the midst of this dilemma right now for our bedroom and I'm leaning toward the natural gray too. Would love to see what you decided!


Thank you for your comments! I read and appreciate each and every one.