
Mar 9, 2011

Sew excited...

Guess what I got! I'll give you a hint:

YES! It's a sewing machine!

A friend got a new one and gave me her old one (thanks, Elaine!). I feel like a real wife now! 

I'm not a stranger to a sewing machine and have used my mom's from time to time. Most recently, I made myself a pair of felt antlers to be a deer on Halloween, and the hubs and I made a tablecloth to fit our big folding table -- which we used at our wedding and it somehow disappeared! Must have looked so professional-looking that the linen rental company took it, thinking it was theirs :)

But I'm still an amateur, so I'll have to get acquainted with this guy before I get my sew on.

I'm looking forward to making some pillows for the master bedroom with this fabric, which you might recognize from my DIY jewelry holders project. 

And I may tackle making some curtains for the office, which we're planning to redo very soon. More on that later!

And yes...I know...I'm very bad. I've been talking about this entryway project for weeks, and was hoping to have it finished to reveal this weekend. But some family stuff came up, and I didn't get it wrapped up yet. 

Must... hold off. sewing. until entryway... is finished...!


  1. Yay for a sewing machine! Your possibilities are now endless!

  2. Congrats... you will have so much fun with your new sewing machine! I can't wait to see your entryway reveal...

  3. Thanks, Amy! I'm trudging along on the entryway...


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