
Feb 14, 2011

A day for love and chocolate

Happy Valentine's Day!

Portland's historic downtown is once plastered with paper hearts, the work of the mysterious Valentine's Bandit (read more here). I'm feeling the love!

I like flowers and all (okay, I love flowers), but I still think something chocolate is the best Valentine's present. What can I say -- I'm a sucker for the sweet stuff.

This was my first time making whoopie pies, and I was pretty happy with the results by the end (let's just say the first couple pans were not as good...). The recipe comes from Moody's Diner, a coastal Maine diner known for its traditional pies as well as its whoopies.

I won't give you a whoopie play-by-play because, well, frankly I'm not very good at cooking. I will tell you that you'll need a REAAALLY big bowl and a strong mixing arm for all this dough (I may or may not have gotten chocolate all over myself). For the filling, I used a cup of shortening and a half-cup of butter, mostly because I ran out of shortening, and I thought it was divine (as much as I love chocolate, I think the filling is my favorite part!). And I gave them a little Valentine's bling.

Hope your day is filled with love -- and chocolate!


  1. Ohhh! I love the idea of an anonymous heart bandit!

    And the whoppie pies?! Oh my!

  2. Hi Mindy,

    I just wanted to say hi and congrats on your new blog! I love following along with other Maine bloggers, so I will add you to my list. Those whoopie pies look amazing! I'm wishing I had one for breakfast...

    - e

  3. Thanks Shannon and Erin! I'm not much of a cook, so I surprised myself with those whoopie pies. You should both give them a try -- they're yummy!


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