
Apr 1, 2013

Yarn and twine eggs for spring {DIY}

Hi all! I hope you had a great Easter. We had a low-key day because we've got a recuperating pup on our hands. Our poor little guy had surgery on his knee last week. He's been limping on and off for months and other treatments weren't working.

Finally the vet said surgery was the only way to keep him from completely tearing his ligament and losing the ability to use the leg at all. Now he's got a bionic leg with a metal plate and six screws! (If you're curious, the surgery he had is called a TPLO surgery.)

I do not like the cone of shame

He's got six weeks of being cooped up, and then another six weeks of getting his full mobility back. It's going to be a loooong April. But in the end he'll be able to run and play like a normal dog without any more limping or threat of tearing his knee ligament. I can't wait for that day!

Since he's still recovering from the surgery and is in pain and getting used to staying in the pen (and to the cone of shame), we decided to stay home this weekend and keep an eye on him.

So, I took the opportunity of a weekend at home to do some crafts. I have to admit, I hadn't done any Easter or spring crafts -- in Maine, it doesn't feel much like spring in March, and in fact we still have some snow piles that need to melt. So I wasn't really feeling inspired.

But then I found in my craft stash some plastic eggs I bought last year from Target and never did anything with.

I whipped out the hot glue gun, some jute twine and some yarn and got to work. I simply started at the top and worked my way down, gluing as needed.

I did the twine eggs first, and then decided to try yarn. I kind of wish I had done them all in yarn -- I love the pops of color! I'm feeling the need for color these days.

I would say the yarn was harder to use than the jute. The jute was more forgiving if I didn't quite line things up or got a little too much glue under there. The yarn was pretty thin, so there are a couple itty bitty gaps where the egg color peeks through, especially on the bottom. But I'm not going to stare that closely at them.

Greens, blues and neutrals are like my favorite combo.

And while Easter is now over, I think these eggs make great spring decor and can last through April and May.

I've got some other spring touches in the works, so stay tuned!


  1. Very cute! I think you have way more patience than I do. I would have burned my fingers on hot glue too many times. Hope your pup feels better soon!! Oh, and spring still seems far off in Bar Harbor, too...

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your nice words! It definitely was an exercise in patience, and there were a few burns.

    I hope spring makes it to you quickly.


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